What does it take to catch a dream? We found out Sunday August 6th, 2017 at the finale presentation of our Dreams Project 2017 at the Centro Cultural de Ajijic.
The day slowly built towards the show. Jennifer Stanley's untiring work throughout the week culminated in the performance for community, family and friends.
Our technical, media director Thom Weeks worked long hours to create our show, complete with projections of the children's artwork, backdrop images and sound.
The children rehearsed their written dreams, to be presented that afternoon.
Our prime assistant, Amarely, helped throughout the week and was also a reader, artist
and participant in the weeklong artists camp.
One of the products of the theatre/art workshop with Maestro Juan Navarro, was a beautiful, original publication entitled "The Dreams Of The Children of Axixic". Here the boys discuss the book.
Amarely hangs the children's work for display
Amazing artist Julie Mignard brought her face painting skills. Our own Maestro Antonio Lopez Vega also created masterpieces for the children.
Mostly found behind the scenes, our friend Shelley Smith was seen and and her presence felt throughout the process....always ready to assist. Thank you Shelley!
The pre hispanic instruments, created by our own Carlos Alberto Paz, were readied.
Last minute technical challenges were surmounted.
Right around 6 p.m. the audience started to arrive.
Our audience settled in for the show. All eyes were on the stage and the child presenters.
Our show started with an introductory welcome by Maestra Yolanda Ramirez Michel, who wrote and performed an original poem inspired by the children's own writings the previous week.
Muchos niños soñaban con salir de vacaciones. Muchos niños soñaban…
Soñaban con un perro, que cada día come croquetas, que bebe agua, y todos los días va a pasear con su amo.
Soñaban, con tres peces en un lago, perdidos, perdidos. Soñaban que su papá los encontraba, los llevaba a casa, y su madre se alegraba.
Soñaban, soñaban, soñaban…
Con un señor que quiere ser fuerte, y grande, y corredor, y luchador, y escritor, y artista, y nadador…
Los niños soñaban…
Soñaban con una casa que recibía a muchas personas, y a muchos niños gritones, luego la casa desaparecía…
Pero los niños seguían soñando.
Los niños del verano soñaban con un mago Maestro del Fuego, que protegía a su rey, a su reino y a las aldeas de los alrededores. Un mago que entrenaba diariamente para mejorar sus hechizos.
Sueña que sueña soñando, los niños del verano también soñaban con un señor muy gordo que robaba comida de las tiendas, por eso estaba tan gordo…
Y también soñaban con un rey en su trono.
Ay, cuántos sueños de los niños…
…niños que soñaban con una serpiente buena, su piel era muy verde, y su cascabel muy alegre, y tenía amigos malos, a los que hacía buenos.
Soñaban los niños del verano, soñaban mucho…
Soñaban con la vida de la flor, que primero era semilla, que luego era regada y acariciada por el sol… soñaban que la semilla crecía… soñaban que la regaban… soñaban que ya era invierno, soñaban que la flor moría…
Los niños soñaban, soñaban mucho, mucho soñaban…
Soñaban con un oso, que encontró unos cazadores, a los que saludó antes de que ellos lo mataran y comieran.
Y sueña que sueña los niños soñaban…
Con una princesa que vive en un castillo, que tiene una corona muy brillante, y un vestido amarillo y un pelo muy largo y muy negro.
Los niños soñaban mucho, mucho soñaban, y siguen soñando…
No despertemos a los niños, para que sigan soñando.
I was in charge of the musicians for the performance; a rambunctious, full of energy bunch. They were brilliant!
The Players
Ever generous, Maestro Antonio Lopez Vega donated an original sculptural artwork for a free raffle. We limited the tickets to child participants only. The artwork was entitled "Coyote Soñador"....and the winner was Uriel Ramirez Gonzales.
We wish to thank everyone who participated in the theatre/art camp week, especially:
Jennifer Stanley and Thom Weeks, whose dreams and generosity have been helping
our community since their arrival lakeside.
All the children of Axixic...your energy and drive are inspirations to all of us.
The Maestros
Painting and Co-coordinator - Antonio López Vega
Creative Writing - Yolanda Ramirez Michel and Karuna Gomez Mont
Dance - Abril Iñiguez
Music - Emilia Gálvez and Kristina Trejo
Photography - Xill Fessenden and Luis Caballo
Dream Catchers - Alesxay Morales and Alejandro Graza Hernandez
Print Making - Juan Navarro
Beto Rock, Director of the Centro Cultural Axixix and his staff.
Family and friends and all our untiring volunteers...we truly could not have done this without you.
It does take a community, and we are fortunate to have one of true beauty,
as reflected in its people and places.
Until next year.
La Cochera Cultural
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