Tuesday, July 19, 2016

"Midnight Travellers of the Universe" - Theatre Workshops Continue!

Day 2 - Theatre Camp
"Midnight Travellers of the Universe"
Ajijijc Cultural Center

(fotos by Tom Dailey)

Today, upstairs at the Centro Cultural, the kids began creating the artwork that will be projected to accompany their stories at the performance. Ideas for the drawings came both from their imaginations and from pictures they saw on a laptops; bats, butterflies, and other images. Those who were finished went downstairs to the stage and began rehearsing the presentation of their story. It's a pleasure to take their pictures.

                - Tom Dailey

The themes of the day were travelling, hummingbirds and migration.  Sand drawings were also explored and drawn.

There was also quite a bit of rehearing of lines in smaller groups.

1 comment:

  1. Today, upstairs at the Centro Cultural, the kids began creating the artwork that will be projected to accompany their stories at the performance. Ideas for the drawings came both from their imaginations, and from pictures they saw on a laptop--bats and butterflies, and other images. Those who were finished went downstairs to the stage to began rehearsing the presentation of their story. It's a pleasure to take their pictures.
