Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Midnight Travellers of the Universe 

Past, Present and Future

Writing Workshop at Wilkes Center

Welcome to Midnight Travellers of the Universe, Past, Present and Future.

Our 2016 production will involve the telling of travel legends developed by the children through a series of pre-camp storytelling and writing workshops. From the stories developed during these workshops, we will select between 6 and 8 to be told theatrically from centre stage. 

We believe that through the power of storytelling, children can build their self-confidence and explore both their cultural history and their creative imaginations and dreams. Through the use of visual arts, acting, dancing and music expression, they will bring their own stories to life on stage.

Preparing for Imaginary Travel


Reading Stories

Maestra Yolanda Guiding Imaginations



Well Done!

Our goal is to build on the many achievements from our first year’s theatrical presentation of the local legend of Queen Xochitl - Michi-Cihualli (2015).

  • To offer new skills development including writing workshops, puppet building, drawing classes, acting workshops to local youth
  • To provide opportunities for building self-esteem
  • To provide leadership skills to older children
  • To provide technical mentorship to older children in learning basic theatre lighting and sound skills
  • To provide continued opportunities to deepen pre-hispanic dance and music skills, supporting interest in these culturally rich, historical elements
  • To furter support our many talented Maestros, who can provide mentorship and creative inspiration, guiding our youth toward accomplishment
  • To invite those children with fewer resources and less family support, to be include in our program
  • To maintain and build on our past relationship with the Sangre Viva Pre-hispanic Cultural Festival
  • To continue with children's illustrations of the selected stories to be projected during the performance

Next Phase Coming Soon!

Thank you for your support!

- The Cochera Cultural Crew -

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