Sunday, May 31, 2015


May 30th, 2015

Pollack Art Class

Today was Measuring Day at the LCS Children's Art Project.  Most of the children involved in the production of "La Leyenda de la Reina Xochitl Michi Cihualli", the play, were also students in the art program, so we decided to take measurements for costumes at the LCS.

Brad y Maestro Antonio taking measurements

Measurements taken, we headed to the Wilkes Education Center to meet our Danzantes de Chiapas, the dancers who would be teaching the children in the play.  Sergio y Jaime were representing their dance troupe in Ajijic.

Jaime Calling The 4 Directions 

Sergio Preparing The Setting

Pheasant Headress

Iker, The Warrior

A meal was shared after the performance.

Dazamtes Watching

Thursday, May 28, 2015

"Michi" Papel Mache Workshop # 2

Snake (Rain Stick) In The Garden
Antonio Lopez Vega

Things are brewing at the "Michi" Papel Mache Workshop.  A collection of local talent and passion have been germinating and we now are able to witness the shoots of our efforts growing above ground.

Boys are morphing into Fish Men

 Fish are morphing into Boys

With a little help from our friends

Birds and Butterlfies materialize from recycled cardboard and carizo 

Fish shapes evolve and take form

Again, with a little help from our friends 

O.K., with ALOT of help from our friends, but the work is play and play is we all enjoy!

The volunteers enter into a meditative state of creativity....things are buzzing.

Trabajo es juego....Juego es trabajo

And sometimes Jugar is just Play

Evolving fish shapes take to land

Birds take flight

Maestros continue to create

Jugar para trabajar.....trabajar para jugar

 3 Amgios

Dragon sections emerge from recycled bottles

And this...a rare sighting of the DragonMeister

 Santa's elves don't have anything on our Crew.

Join us for the fun.